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If you’ve ever felt a burning sensation during or after crying, it likely just added insult to injury. You were already upset enough about something to have a good cry, then on top of that you had to deal with the discomfort of the areas around your eyes or other parts of your face burning as your tears feel. You are not alone in this frustration; many people experience a burning sensation as they cry. If you have been wondering, “why do my tears burn my face,” we’ve got the answers you’re looking for! Keep reading to learn more about what can cause tears to burn and ways you can take care of your eyes to minimize or even get rid of that annoying and painful burning sensation.
Why do my tears burn?
Ever ask “why do tears make my face burn” or even worse, “why do my tears burn like acid on my face?”
When your eyes are healthy, they have the right balance of water, mucus, and oil. However, if something is wrong with your eyes and they are not healthy, it can cause them to become dry. When eyes dry out, the balance of water, mucus, and oil is thrown off, which can cause tears to burn the skin as you cry.
So, if you’ve been searching for the answers to “why do my tears burn when I cry,” “why are my tears burning my cheeks,” or “why do my tears feel hot”, it may mean that you have an eye condition that needs to be addressed.
Some eye conditions that lead to burning tears include:
- Dry eye syndrome: When the eyes become too dry, they don’t have the right ratios of mucus, water, and oil. This can cause them to become irritated and cause a burning sensation. Dry eye syndrome is the most common cause behind the feeling of a burning sensation in the eyes.
- Blepharitis: If you’ve been wondering “why do my tears make my face itch,” you may have blepharitis. This condition causes the eyelids to become inflamed, sore, red, and itchy. The base of the eyelash may also become crusty.
- Conjunctivitis: Commonly referred to as pink eye, conjunctivitis is a bacterial infection that makes eyes burn, itch, or water. It can be spread through coughing or sneezing and is very contagious.
- Other causes of eye irritation: If your eyes get irritated, it may also cause them to burn or lead to burning tears. Some possible causes of eye irritation include allergies, sensitivity to fragrances or chemicals, or getting a foreign particle in your eye.
Why do my tears leave red marks?
You may have also noticed red marks around your eyes after you cry. When we cry, more blood flows to our eyes. This is why our eyes appear more bloodshot with dilated pupils when crying. Tears are very salty, which causes our eyes and the area around them to retain more water and swell a bit. This can make the area appear red, or even puffy, after you’ve been crying. In some cases, you may also break a capillary, which can leave red marks behind for a longer period of time.
Do tears irritate skin?
Yes, tears can irritate the skin.
Crying can cause your eyes to become puffy. It also dilates the blood vessels in the skin around your eyes, which can make it turn red. Plus, when you cry, you often rub the areas around your eyes, which can cause further irritation.
Sometimes when you cry, you may develop petechiae. These are very small purple or red dots on the skin that typically only appear after individuals have cried a lot. Petechiae generally disappears after just a few days.
In some more extreme cases, excessive crying can lead to broken capillaries. A broken capillary is a burst blood vessel that will leave red lines or splotches along your face. Some individuals are more likely to get broken capillaries including individuals with sensitive skin, acne-prone skin, fair skin, or sun-damaged skin.
Can tears cause pimples?
Yes, in some cases crying can cause pimples.
The tears themselves are typically the cause of the pimples, but when individuals rub their face too much after crying, it can inflame their skin and cause a breakout. Rubbing the skin too much may also cause the pores to clog, especially if you use moisture-infused or scented tissues. When the pores are clogged, it can lead to an acne breakout.
Tips for Good Eye Health to Avoid Burning Tears
If you don’t want to deal with the annoying and painful sensation of burning tears, take measures to keep your eyes healthy. Here are a few tips you can use to improve your eye health:
- Wash your hands: Always wash your hands before touching your eyes or the area around them. If you have any germs or bacteria on your hands when you touch your eyes, it can lead to conjunctivitis or other infections.
- Get enough sleep: Getting enough rest for your eyes and your body will improve eye health.
- Eat a healthy diet: Many foods offer beneficial antioxidants or fatty acids which can improve eye health. Eat fish, leafy green vegetables, and other foods high in vitamin A, vitamin C, and other antioxidants. The omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon and other fish can also improve eye health and keep your vision healthy.
- Get enough exercise: When you exercise it enhances blood circulation. This will bring more oxygen to your eyes to help remove toxins.
- Wear sunglasses: Sunglasses protect your eyes against UV light. Opt for a pair that offers protection against UVA and UVB rays and also wear a hat when outside to enhance the benefits for your eyes.
Why Do Tears Burn My Face? Questions Answered
If your tears are burning your face, it may be an indication that your eyes are not healthy. You may need to see an eye doctor or dermatologist to get the problem cleared up, but once it is cleared up follow our suggestions above to keep your eyes healthy and reduce the risk that your tears will start burning your face again.
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Hopefully you’ve found some good tips in this article to address your concerns and improve the health of your eyes!